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S01E05 7


████    重点词汇
████    难点词汇
████    生僻词
████    词组 & 惯用语

[学习本文需要基础词汇量:5,000 ]
[本次分析采用基础词汇量:4,000 ]

Lynette was desperate to avoid home schooling.
But she saw no options on the horizon.

Until a solution sailed into view.

Gabrielle, please. You bought me enough things.

- You're the one who's shopping. - Mama, you're in a rut.

We need to spice up your wardrobe. Ooh. Here.

Try this one on. Go on. Try it on.

- How are you doing in there? - ls it supposed to be so tight?

Yes, it's form-fitting. You'll look great.

I don't think this dress is right for me. I can't breathe.

Well, maybe I made a mistake.

While you change, I'm gonna make a quick run to the book store.

- Wait! I'm coming with you! - No! I'll just be a minute!

I'm coming with you!


- Gabrielle! Wait! - Ma'am!

Ma'am. Sorry, I'm gonna need to look in your bags, please.

Fine. Just hurry up.

Right on time.

I don't know where that blouse came from.

- Security. - Keep your stupid blouse.

I have to find my daughter-in-law. Don't touch me. Don't you dare touch me!

- You have to come with us. - Get your hands off me!


[phone rings]


- Hey, it's me. - Oh, hi, Rex. How are you?

- ls something wrong? - I was just about to grab dinner

and it occurred to me,''What the heck? I'll go out.''

Would you like to have dinner with me?

Mrs. Van De Kamp. Guess what. I found all my mom's old Christmas stuff.

Oh. Sweetie, I was just coming over to talk to you.

I am so sorry but something important came up and I have to cancel.

- Really? - We'll do it again.

We'll have our impromptu holiday dinner. I promise.


Mm. I got one. Kelly Halstatter.

ln eighth grade, she used to spit in my gym shoes.

Kelly Halstatter.

Kelly Halstatter. Here, look.

Two DUls, one check-kiting and an open bench warrant.

How tragic. By which I mean,''Yay''.

You've been a good sport coming on my shift with me.

Well, time flies when you're on a stakeout in Cracktown.

- When does our official date begin? - Taxpayers say 20 minutes. I say now.

- They're down. - Thank you.

Honey, you read up on home schooling?

Yeah. It gave me some good ideas. Well, one, anyway.

Great. What have you got?

You know how we agree that one of us needs to stay home and parent the kids

and one of us needs to make a living?

I remembered that when I was working I made a little more than you.

- What are you doing? - You tossed out that sacrifice comment.

It occurred to me, I've made sacrifices over the past six years.

I gave up my career.

lf another sacrifice has to be made, I think it's your turn.

- Lynette? - lf I went back to work,

you could stay home and take care of the kids.

I can't be with the kids all day. I'd lose my mind.


Hey. OK, I get it. Home schooling is out.

How are we gonna scrape together 1 5 grand for this endowment?

Mm. How, how, how...

Think. Think real hard.

- Oh, no. - Aye-aye.

The restaurant's run by an old guy named Arinello.

He will propose to you. Don't say yes because he's dead serious.

But what if I like him?

Hey. I thought this went to the lab.

All right. You got me.

- And that means what? - Look, Susan.

No one would authorize lab time or a computer search for a case like this.


sacrifice [ˈsækrɪfaɪs] n. 牺牲;祭品;供奉 vt. 牺牲;献祭;亏本出售 vi. 献祭;奉献 {gk cet4 cet6 ky ielts gre :4068}

sacrifices [ˈsækrifaisiz] n. 牺牲,损失;献身,供奉(sacrifice的复数) v. 牺牲,损失(sacrifice的单三形式) { :4068}

bye [baɪ] n. 轮空;次要的东西 int. 再见 adj. 次要的 n. (Bye)人名;(挪)比埃;(中)拜(广东话·威妥玛);(英)拜伊;(瑞典)比耶 {zk gk :4072}

tragic [ˈtrædʒɪk] adj. 悲剧的;悲痛的,不幸的 {cet6 ky :4259}

eighth [eɪtθ] num. 第八;八分之一 adj. 第八的;八分之一的 {zk gk :4425}

authorize [ˈɔ:θəraɪz] vt. 批准,认可;授权给;委托代替 {toefl ielts :4767}

ls [elz] abbr. 激光系统(Laser System);发射场(Launch Site);限位开关(Limit Switch);信号电平开关(Level Switch) { :4865}

spit [spɪt] n. 唾液 vi. 吐痰;吐口水;发出劈啪声 vt. 吐,吐出;发出;发射 {gk cet4 cet6 ky ielts :4932}

warrant [ˈwɒrənt] n. 根据;证明;正当理由;委任状 vt. 保证;担保;批准;辩解 {cet6 ky toefl gre :5321}

wardrobe [ˈwɔ:drəʊb] n. 衣柜;行头;全部戏装 {cet6 ky ielts gre :5424}

scrape [skreɪp] n. 刮掉;擦痕;困境;刮擦声 vt. 刮;擦伤;挖成 vi. 刮掉;刮出刺耳声 {cet4 cet6 ky toefl ielts gre :5494}

spice [spaɪs] n. 香料;情趣;调味品;少许 vt. 加香料于…;使…增添趣味 n. (Spice)人名;(英)斯派斯 {cet6 :5640}

mama ['mæmə] n. 妈妈(口语) n. (Mama)人名;(多哥、赞、贝宁)马马 { :6423}

blouse [blaʊz] n. 宽松的上衣;女装衬衫 vt. 使…宽松下垂 vi. 宽松下垂 {gk cet6 ky ielts :6586}

rex [reks] n. 雷克斯(男子名);国王;君主 { :6769}

hums [ ] abbr. 健康和使用监控系统(Health and Usage Monitoring System) { :6823}

heck [hek] n. 饲草架 int. 真见鬼(hell的委婉说法) n. (Heck)人名;(德)黑克;(葡、西、法)埃克;(英)赫克 { :6954}

endowment [ɪnˈdaʊmənt] n. 捐赠;捐助;捐款;天资 {toefl :7253}

sweetie [ˈswi:ti] n. 爱人,情人;甜的糕饼糖果 { :11067}

rut [rʌt] n. 发情期;惯例;性冲动;凹槽 vt. 挖槽于;在…形成车辙 vi. 发情 n. (Rut)人名;(西、俄、波、捷、瑞典)鲁特 {ky :11310}

impromptu [ɪmˈprɒmptju:] n. 即兴曲;即席演出 adj. 即席的 adv. 即席地 {toefl ielts gre :13281}

stakeout ['steɪkaʊt] n. 监视 { :26376}

ln [ ] abbr. 自然对数(Napierian Logarithm);液态氮(Liquid Nitrogen) { :28828}

LF [ ] [计] 换行, 低频 [医] 絮凝单位, 絮凝限度 { :30107}

aye-aye ['aɪ'aɪ] n. 狐猿;狐猴的一种

check-kiting [ ] [网络] 空头支票;空头支票诈欺;犯罪人在不同银行连续透支

daughter-in-law ['dɔ:tər ɪn lɔ:] n. 儿媳妇

form-fitting [ ] un. 贴身的 [网络] 合身的;形状配合的;适体

gonna [ˈgənə] abbr. (美)将要(等于going to)

uh-huh [ˈʌhʌ] int. 嗯,哼;啊哈

bench warrant [bentʃ ˈwɔrənt] na. 法院传票 [网络] 法院拘票;法庭传票;法庭通缉令

can't breathe [ ] [网络] 无法呼吸

don't you dare [dəunt ju: dɛə] [网络] 你敢;你敢么;就有点开玩笑的语气

eighth grade [ ] [网络] 八年级;第八级

gym shoe [dʒim ʃu:] 体操鞋

gym shoes [ ] un. 体操鞋 [网络] 球鞋;运动鞋;一种运动鞋

hurry up [ˈhʌri ʌp] na. 催促;赶快 [网络] 快点;赶紧;匆匆完成

in a rut [in ə rʌt] n. 刻板乏味,墨守成规。字面意思是在车辙里(行走)。

on the horizon [ɔn ðə həˈraizən] na. 在地平线上 [网络] 在那地平线上;即将来临的;刚刚冒出地平线

sail into [ ] na. 大摇大摆地[庄严地]走进;辱骂;精力充沛 [网络] 船驶进;痛骂;仪态万方地走进

scrape together [skreip təˈɡeðə] na. 一点一点地贮蓄;设法凑拢 [网络] 七拼八凑;东拼西凑;积攒

spice up [spais ʌp] [网络] 增添趣味;添油加醋;幸福料理

spit in [ ] 把(唾沫等)吐入; 蔑视某人

the heck [ ] [网络] 究竟

the horizon [ ] [网络] 地平线;天边;地平线图片

to cancel [tu: ˈkænsəl] [网络] 取消;退保;注销

to spit [ ] [网络] 吐痰;吐口;吐口水

toss out [tɔs aut] na. 同“toss” [网络] 扔掉;扔掉,丢弃;扔出

you dare [ ] 不要, 不准

kelly halstatter

zk/中考 gk/中考 ky/考研 cet4/四级 cet6/六级 ielts/雅思 toefl/托福 gre/GRE
* 词汇量测试建议用